Dedicated to outstanding horse and rider wellbeing through Dressage training
Trainer & Owner - Andy Feller
Horses and riding have always been my passion. My early experience was on hunters and jumpers in the Chicago area, schooling horses and assisting in riding lessons. During my college years, I worked on a breeding farm caring for broodmares and foals. After graduating from college in 1989 with degrees in business and psychology, I became involved in eventing, which led to the beginning of my dressage training. I switched exclusively to dressage in 1992 when my husband Dick and I purchased Silvermine, and I began my professional career.
I believe that horses and their riders must develop a strong bond of communication and trust to effectively function as a team. My instruction stresses the fact that riders need to learn and continually work on correct position on a horse to function and communicate. I firmly believe that classical dressage training is the ideal method to develop this bond.
At Silvermine, I have always strived to create a safe environment where like-minded individuals can be together to enjoy their equestrian passion and support each other. A positive, supportive, atmosphere at the farm is essential for both horses and riders to thrive.
I have started and trained many young horses including my homebred Oldenberg/TB mare Emcee whom I have trained from birth to Fourth Level. I have completed my imported Hannoverian, Petrocelli, through I-1 and in 2007 earned my USDF Silver Medal.
I have worked with several top trainers from the United States and Europe and am currently working with Lars Holmberg and Ulf Wadeborn of Holmberg/Wadeborn Dressage in California.